In 3 to 4 sentences, please tell us about yourself and your blog?
Fancy-Francy.com is a beauty and fashion advice blog I started right before moving to New York City as a way for me to continue to answer my friends’ beauty and fashion questions, as well as keep them updated on my life in New York. Pretty soon it became evident that people outside of just my friends were interested in receiving advice and so the focus of the blog is helping my readers look their “fanciest”!
What are 3 products in your ultimate beauty arsenal and why?
Concealer, chapstick and water.
I’m a firm believer that if you give a girl the right concealer, she can conquer the world! Okay so maybe that’s a bit dramatic but seriously, concealer covers my under eye dark circles, any spot on my face that might need a little coverage, and can even work as a nude lipstick in a pinch (for more on that be sure to check out my upcoming YouTube video tutorial). Chapstick because as a girl with full lips there is absolutely nothing worse than having chapped and pealing lips on display to everyone you meet.
What is your ultimate shopping splurge?
My ultimate shopping splurge would have to be a tie between shoes and cosmetics. I’m constantly convincing myself that it is an investment piece so it doesn’t count as a splurge!
What is the one skincare/hair care/fashion trick you think every woman should know?
Confidence! Although it sounds cliché it is really the best advice anyone can give you. No matter what you’re wearing or if you had time to put makeup on or not, exuding confidence can make all the difference.
What cosmetic ingredient(s) do you avoid and why?
Sulfates in hair care products.
Do you have a Sunday night or weekend beauty ritual? If so, what is it?
I try to wash and deep condition my hair every weekend! It’s sometimes the only time I have all week to just relax and take time for myself!
What has been your proudest blogging moment to date?
I have been fortunate to have so many amazing opportunities in just my first year of blogging alone that it would be hard to pick just one. I’m thankful and proud of everything from attending New York Fashion Week shows my FIRST year blogging to getting to interview one of my favorite celebrities. It’s all been a wonderful!
What is the most challenging thing about writing a blog?
Finding work/life balance. I love my blog and I love my readers, but blogging is a lot of work—more than most people realize. There are times that I say no to other things just so I can spend that time working on my blog instead. It’s definitely a sacrifice but one I’m happy to make!
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
I have a lot of projects in the works that I am excited to be a part of this summer. Look out for lots of giveaways in collaboration with brands and other amazing bloggers. I also recently launched my YouTube channel. Be sure to check that out and subscribe as well as leave any questions you would like me to answer on my blog or YouTube channel my submitting it here.
Last but not least, thank you for featuring me! I love your site and I am excited to be a featured blogger!
Learn more about Francisca:
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