In 3 to 4 sentences, please tell us about yourself and your blog.
My name is Amberly D’Anna and I write the blog A Slice of Glam. I created this little spot on the Internet in July 2011 as a creative outlet to curate my favorite fashion, home decor, personal style, recipes, and little bits of my life here and there. My mission is to inspire others to add a “slice of glam” to their own life, whether that is with bouquet of fresh flowers, a DIY’d rhinestone vase, or a swipe of their favorite lipstick!
What are 3 products in your ultimate beauty arsenal and why?
I would say my 3 products are my Mia 2 Clarisonic, moisturizer, and makeup removing cloths. I’d been debating for a while on whether or not to splurge on the Clarisonic, but I kept hearing such great reviews about it. I am so glad that I did! It is amazing. I always moisturize, I’m terrified of seeing early signs of aging! Ha! And makeup-removing cloths are a lifesaver for when I’m just too tired to properly wash my face at night.
What separates you from other bloggers?
I think I do a great job to relate to readers from all walks of life. I see a lot of blogs that are catered to only a specific demographic or target market and don’t really sway. That’s fine, but I want anyone to come to my blog and feel comfortable, much like a magazine. I feature products and brands that are actually things that I love and buy, and throw in a few aspirational luxe products for fun!
If you had 2 hours to pick out an outfit from head to toe, where would you shop and why?
Oh goodness, that’s a tough one, as it would probably depend on the occasion that I was shopping for. I’d probably head to a department store where I could get everything like shoes, accessories, and the clothes, and maybe catch a sale. Two hours goes by quickly when shopping so I wouldn’t really have time to rummage through a lot of different sale racks. So maybe somewhere like Nordstrom, Dillard’s, or my favorite, Target.
What inspires your outfit posts?
I usually get inspired by something I’ve seen in a magazine or on Pinterest, and add my own little tweaks to make it more of my own style. High fashion is great for editorial, but I like to keep things simple and relatable on my blog and actually things that I wear.
What is the one bit of advice you would give to all women?
Be you and love yourself. If you’re tall, short, curvy, skinny, big feet, little feet, whatever…just love it all. I spent too many years growing up wishing I had smaller feet, higher pitched voice, and always “5 pounds away from my goal weight”. Life’s too short for all that, right? Love your uniqueness, talents, and stay true to yourself.
What is your skin care regimen?
I keep it simple, but I’m always intrigued by those beauty gurus on YouTube that know so much about different products! I cleanse, use a toner to control oily spots, moisturize, and apply eye cream.
What cosmetic ingredient(s) do you avoid and why?
I try to avoid harsh sulfates that would dry out my skin. I do have mostly oily skin, but I don’t want to over dry it with anything too harsh that it {my skin} reacts by producing more oil!
Do you have a Sunday night or weekend beauty ritual? If yes, what is it?
Once a week I like to apply a relaxing face mask to deep cleanse and relax my face, and prepare it for the week ahead.
What has been your proudest blogging moment to date?
My proudest moment was being featured in the April 2013 issue of People Style Watch magazine. As an avid fashion magazine reader for years, that felt pretty cool to be in one.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
A few years ago I learned American Sign Language. I still know a few words, but am not fluent like I was before. I’d love to try to pick it back up.
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