I watch her knocking things over, mumbling under her breath, looking frantic. She’s wishing she’d prepared more last night, woke up earlier, made a list. She is beating herself up for running late (again) and imagining all the funny looks and sideways comments she will receive upon arrival. She’s comparing herself, how many kids she has, how far she has to drive, and she’s thinking that things are just harder for her.
She knows I’m watching and I can tell my steady gaze unsettles her, but that is not my intention. I’m watching so I can see how she keeps ending up in this place. I’m watching because she is me and it’s important that I study myself from a peaceful, open-minded place. Because I want to live mindfully, peacefully, lusciously, with a rich and abundant mindset that shows up in everything I do.
There is a quiet place inside that observes everything -- our thoughts, emotions, and actions -- and it’s unbiased and steady. When we tap into this place, we can channel more patience and acceptance. We can see ourselves without being critical and begin to notice how much each moment has to offer. This is living a luscious life.
Luscious means to have a pleasantly rich taste. Opulent. Luxurious. It’s a sensual word and it’s a mindset that can bring more pleasure and satisfaction to our lives. Imagine if you were comfortable enough with yourself to set your own pace and build a life around it. To be soulfully and unapologetically yourself. Why do we always feel guilty when our way doesn’t line up with ‘their’ way?

Overscheduling, rushing around, being pulled here and there stifles creativity. Resentment simmers under the surface making fulfillment hard to find. The key to living a luscious life is to slow down, focus and find a clear, peaceful place inside that reminds you of what really matters.
My habit of rushing comes from a fear of going too slow and being left behind. Ironically, it shows up as procrastination and avoidance, both manifestations of that fear acting out, trying to get my attention. When I don’t slow down and pay attention to what I’m doing, I just go on blaming things and feeling out of sorts, which creates a cloud of agitated energy around me.
Mindfulness changes this. It starts with a simple curiosity -- looking in at yourself and out at the world -- and it evolves into a complex awareness of all the moving parts around you. If you want to become more present and rooted in the moment, remember you get to decide how to respond to every situation. Slow down, breathe deeply -- take in what life has to offer but be driven by your own sense of purpose.
Luscious living is all about how you channel your energy. It is handling difficult situations thoughtfully and expressing yourself authentically. It’s you honoring your you-ness and feeling rich in spirit, no matter what is going on.
If you often find yourself rushing through life, overwhelmed and overstimulated, you are missing out on the fullness of life and the world is missing out on the fullness of you. Take a minute now to list practical ways that you can stop being pushed and pulled so you can find a rhythm that brings out your best.
GG Renee is an independent author, a creativity coach, a feeler and an overthinker. She writes for the crazy beautiful complex free creative inspired love drunk woman who relishes her quiet time and believes in miracles. Blog // Twitter // Instagram