This was quite a different product review than I’m used to. I generally receive natural hair products, bath and body products, and makeup to review. But the team at Honey Pot Fresh sent me over a sample of their Lavender Feminine Wash for my “honey pot”, and I was happy to explore! Beatrice Dixon developed this product to prevent vaginal infection, encourage pH balance, and aid natural vaginal immunity with 100% Natural Plant-Based Ingredients.
Features & Benefits (according to the brand):
- Achieve a healthier, happier, cleaner, Honey Pot in 4 Weeks
- Keeps the vagina fresh and clean, omits odor
- Prevents vaginal infections and balance insufficiencies such as Candidiasis, Bacteria Vaginosis and urinary infections
- Promotes pH Balance, which helps restore moisture and helps to relieve dryness.
- Aids in natural vaginal immunity.
My Experience:
I must say that I was excited when I read the product label and could pronounce all of the ingredients—that’s a BIG bonus. I am aware of the ingredients I use on almost every other part of my body--why not check out what I wash my most delicate parts with as well? I used the product for three weeks: it lathered really well and I experienced absolutely no irritation. My own “honey pot” was literally left feeling clean and refreshed. And this was during a normal three weeks--I would imagine that this product would leave your honey pot amazingly clean during your cycle as well. Overall, I really think this is a great product to try and I definitely recommend that you check it out!
The Honey Pot is available for $15 at thehoneypot.co/ and $10 at Whole Foods stores.
A version of this post was originally published at PishPoshPerfect.com, and written by Adriene Boone. Adriene shares her musings through various online mediums, and has served as social media consultant for a natural hair and skincare line. She is currently a Communications Specialist in the diversity field.
*Photo credit