Below Germaine Leftridge, the event’s organizer, shared the details on how the event was conceived and why you should make sure you’re there, whether you won our Bonus Box or not!
How did you conceive of The Ubiquitous Hair & Health Trade Show?
I noticed a trend that concerned me. It appeared that Black women were starting to separate themselves based on how one decided to wear their hair. Some of us who decided to go down the natural hair journey were spending way too much time and energy trying to convince relaxer wearers that they were not authentic if they were not natural. Black women cannot afford to separate ourselves based on how we choose to wear our hair. Our focus needs to be on how we can uplift each other, learn how to collaborate with each other better, increase our credit scores and create legacy wealth.

What is its main purpose?
The purpose is to provide a unique and engaging atmosphere for vendors and consumers alike; a space where our vendors can showcase their products and or services to guests that will be fully engaged. Our guests can find that unique piece of jewelry, the perfect outfit, or hear a word that will inspire and enhance their lives. Since I am a serial entrepreneur and brand builder, I have a heart for start-ups and small companies. Ubiquitous Hair & Health Trade Show....Where Relaxed Meets Natural Hair, is an environment, whereby, a small company can compete in a space with larger established companies.

What's going to make the 2015 event bigger and better than last year's?
We have added some unique elements that we are confident will please our vendors and guests. We have star-studded entertainment on both Saturday and Sunday. Ledisi will grace us with her soulful voice and presence, Chanté Moore will host the Ubiquitous Man Cave, Kim Kimble will conduct a Style Session for stylists and Maurette Brown-Clark will minister to us in song on Sunday. Our vendors’ eclectic offerings will address a woman's look for head to toe. Our thought provoking, controversial discussion topics will give our vendors something to think about long after they leave the event. Some of the topics include: "What do Men Really Want...from Women" from a man's perspective, "Are You Wearing the Weave or is the Weave Wearing You?", "Growing Gracefully Under Gravity", and “On-Line Dating....the Good, the Bad and the Ugly"; plus social media experts will teach the audience how to build their personal brands through social media.

What do you most hope attendees will walk away with when they leave the show?
The name of the event truly epitomizes the essence of our show. Ubiquitous means to exist, to be everywhere at the same time. Once I learned how to pronounce the word and learned its meaning, I fell in love with this wonderful word. We all know that only God is Ubiquitous. But, it is our responsibility as humans to strive to be more Christ-like. In order for us to be Ubiquitous, we must work hard to make a difference in others’ lives. We must have the willing spirit to reach beyond our comfort zone in order to be of service to one another. When we touch others in a positive way our impact lasts way beyond our physical presence. Team Ubiquitous wants our guests and vendors to leave Ubiquitous Hair & Health Trade Show noting that we executed the show with a spirit of excellence. We want everyone to leave our show with a Ubiquitous state of mind!
Team COCOTIQUE will be on-site to share in all the hair and beauty fun. Stop by and say hello!