In this interview, Bershan shares with us her belief in the healing power of food, what beating cancer has taught her, and the advice that she would give other women who are working at thriving through cancer. Read on for her affirming advice.
Here at COCOTIQUE, we are firm believers in the healing power of food. Tell us about how changing your diet helped you to beat cancer--twice!
Changing my diet changed my life. When I cut out meat that had antibiotics and pesticides in it I started to feel more energetic. I felt alive. I started to live on a plant based diet with vegetables, brown rice, quinoa and barley and maybe added fish here and there. I started to have more energy and every time I went to the doctor my scans would show a more positive light. I juiced about five times a week. It really was a lifestyle change.
What did beating cancer teach you about how you wanted to live your life? Did it cause you to make different choices than you might have before?
Beating cancer changed my entire life. It helped me to step into my greatness and find my inner warrior. It made me realize that I wanted to be a vessel for people to learn from, and to inspire and motivate people. It taught me not to live in fear and doubt because God has your back. Yes I am a very different person--I want to make a difference in my life and the lives of others and if I help one than I have done my duty.
What is the one piece of advice you like to give to all women who are working at thriving through breast cancer?
Here is my advice: believe that you will beat it with all your heart. Don't live in the fear of it. It's hard because we think of dying and death but once you get past that and really believe that you will beat it you will. It's all in the mind. And then you must do the work that goes with it--exercise, diet and living a stress free life. The mind can enslave you or the mind can empower you. Let the mind empower you.
What inspired you to start your website, and what do you hope women will gain when they visit?
What inspired me to start Urawarrior.com is (that) we all suffer in silence. We want to make it seem like we are okay when we are not--whether it is cancer, diabetes, heart disease or more. We pretend that nothing is wrong. Urawarrior.com is a place where people can connect with each other, get help and get support so they won't feel alone.
In addition to managing the site, you're also an author, life coach, motivational speaker and entrepreneur. What other endeavors will we see you juggle on the show?
I am a busy lady. I am starting a jewelry line and doing a lot of motivational workshops around the country. It's my journey to help others so anywhere I see fit I will do that. I am finished with book number two, so that's coming out soon. My book 365 Ways to Challenge You to a Better Life is out now.
Let's squeeze in a bit of beauty talk: tell us about the 3 products you keep in your beauty arsenal that you absolutely can't live without.
A nice hand and body cream is a must--we get ashy at 40. A nice lip gloss because your lips have to look good at all times. A nice spray perfume to always freshen up.
Read the rest of the COCOBelle of the Month interviews featuring the cast of OWN’s Love in the City:
Chenoa Maxwell | Kiyah Wright | Bershan Shaw